Friday, July 8, 2011


Everyone has a Hero, right? Well mine happens to be my husband, Matt.

Some people do not know this about Matt but he served 6 1/2 years in the US Army and I am so proud of him. I did not know Matt when he served in the Army but I thank God every day for watching over him and keeping him safe because now I am married to an amazing man. Matt served in Iraq from 2003 to 2004 and was in the Infantry. He is a true Hero and Veteran and I could never thank him enough for his service and dedication to our Country.

Not only do I thank Matt, I thank every man and woman who has served our Country. What you do for us is amazing and greatly appreciated!

To my hero, Matt. Thank you so much for everything! You are truly an amazing person and I love you so much!

Remember to thank our Veterans! God Bless America!


  1. Awww Matt is the first post!! Thank you Matt for serving our country. Also for enjoying guns as much as Andy does so I dont have to hear about them as much!!!

  2. YAY for your first blog post. Hats off to any man or woman who has served. Not something I think I could do, and I'm proud of all who have. Way to go Matt!!
